
Our vision for the future
opened up by J-GRAPHENE
In the same way iron was leap forward for civilization and plastic
transformed our lives in the modern era, graphene also has near
unlimited potential to change the world.
Our J-GRAPHENE was developed with a focus on atomic-level
thinness with a light, flexible, and durable structure, superb heat and
electricity conductivity, and practicality, and it will bring a
technological leap forward to a wide range of fields.
Rechargeable batteries
Printable Electronics
The speed of electrical transmission is
drastically faster than with semiconductors.
This feature can be utilized to achieve large
increases in charging speed and storage
capacity, compensating for the limitations
of EV and lithium ion batteries when
utilized in super capacitors or ultra-high
speed and low electricity CPUs.
Implementation research in the electronics
field is in progress.
CO2 reduction
Ship bottom coatings
Some other examples are the use of
J-GRAPHENE in ship hull coatings, which
could decrease fuel use by reducing friction
forces between the ship and the water and
mixing with concrete and plastic materials
to decrease the amount of concrete
required for structures and reduce CO2
emissions. Research into applications for
CO2 emission reduction is also in progress.
There are also expectations it could be used
in the filters which are an important part of
nuclear fusion reactors used to remove
Outer space
Solar sails
Ultra-thin lenses
In space development as well, there are
great expectations for graphene. A variety
of research is underway ranging from use
as a reinforcing material for durability in
the extreme environment, use in solar sails
which can generate propulsion from
sunlight, and new innovations like variable
multi-band antennas.
New field
Water purification(GO)
Applications also continue to expand to
new fields such as use in seawater
desalination membranes and gas and
optical sensors.